Trash Tracker – Sept 12-14

The last few days have been quite busy, but I think I captured all the trash generated. A summary from Sept 11 after 2PM until Sept 14 at 10AM:

  • two little coffee creamer containers
  • a coffee stirrer
  • three napkins
  • two soda cup lids
  • two straws
  • a moist towelette and its package
  • thre band-aids and their packaging
  • two avocado peels and pits (not compostable)
  • one paper towel
  • Chipotle salsa container (small and actually probably was recyclable if I had brought it home and rinsed it)
  • a Windex mirror cleaner while cleaning the bathrooms
  • a large foil potato chip bag (at least it was not several small individual packs)

Now, that’s three days of trash, all of which would fit inside that one potato chip bag with room to spare. So, not bad, but still no trash-free days. But I have not made any trash yet today, so we’ll see how it goes. It is easier to achieve at home, and much harder to achieve when eating out at all. Even in really nice restaurants.

I was thinking about how every day I used to go through one or two 32 or 44oz drink cups from the convenience store, when I was a sodaholic. And I’d toss them rather than recycle them. I seriously probably did that for a decade or so. So, if all of my trash output for a whole three days would fit inside one of those cups, that’s not bad.

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